Eἰρκτή (Eirkti): An independent record label centering on obscure sounds
Apart from research scrutiny, Ioannis is also involved with art and music related activities. More thoroughly, along with his child friend Markos he runs the independent record label named Eἰρκτή (Eirkti). Eirkti specializes in limited vinyl-only editions and in specific music genres (e.g., new wave, post-punk and minimal synth). The label acts as a release outlet for a plethora of underground artists and groups. Presently, eirkti numbers twenty eight record releases most of which have been sold out.

Eἰρκτή (Eirkti) / Independent Music Label
Interview with Eirkti Label in Grave Jibes Fanzine
Interview with Eirkti Label in Mountza Fanzine
Tribute to Eirkti Label in ough.gr
My Interview with Music Band Chameleons VOX in lostechoes.net
My Interview with Music Band Little Nemo in lostechoes.net