Education & Training
November 2005 - June 2011
October 2003 - July 2005
October 1996 - February 2002
Athens University of Economics and Business
Ph.D. in Marketing and Communication
Thesis: Rhetoric and provocation: Consumers’ emotions, values and attitudes towards plain and rhetorically constructed provocative ads
Athens University of Economics and Business
M.Sc. in Marketing and Communication
Thesis: Advertising ethics: Examination of sex appeal advertisements and subliminal advertisements with the use of sexual embeds
University of Piraeus
B.A. in Management and Business Administration
Refereed Journal Articles
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., and Grigorios Painesis (2022), “Ad eroticism from a psychological distance perspective: An investigation of its effects in light of consumers’ sex, ethical judgments and moral attentiveness,” Journal of Business Research, 142 (March), 524-539.
Stathakopoulos, Vlasis, Konstantinos G. Kottikas, Grigorios Painesis, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, and Efthymia Kottika (2022), “Why shape a market? Empirical evidence on the prominent firm-level and market-level outcomes of market-driving strategy,” Journal of Business Research, 139 (February), 1240-1254.
Kottika, Efthymia, Ayşegül Özsomer, Pernille Rydén, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, Kostas Kaminakis, Konstantinos G. Kottikas, and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2020), “We survived this! What managers could learn from SMEs who successfully navigated the Greek economic crisis,” Industrial Marketing Management, 88 (July), 352-365.
Stathakopoulos, Vlasis, Konstantinos G. Kottikas, Ioannis G. Theodorakis and Efthymia Kottika (2019), “Market-driving strategy and the human factor: Top management versus middle management,” Journal of Business Research, 104 (November), 529-540.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., and Grigorios Painesis (2018), “The impact of psychological distance and construal level on consumers’ responses to taboos in advertising,” Journal of Advertising, 47 (2), 161-181.
Vlachos Pavlos A., Christos D. Koritos, Areti Krepapa, Konstantinos Tasoulis and Ioannis G. Theodorakis (2016), "Containing Cause-Related Marketing Skepticism: A Comparison across Donation Frame Types," Corporate Reputation Review, 19 (1), 9-21.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., Christos Koritos, and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2015), “Rhetorical maneuvers in a controversial tide: Assessing the boundaries of advertising rhetoric’s effectiveness,” Journal of Advertising, 44 (1), 14-24.
Stathakopoulos, Vlasis, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, and Eleni Mastoridou (2008), “Visual and verbal rhetoric in advertising: The case of ‘resonance’,” International Journal of Advertising, 27 (4), 629-658.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., and Christos Koritos (2011), “Figuratively bleeding or just bleeding? Exploring consumers’ personal values and emotions within simple and rhetorically constructed violent ad contexts!,” in Advances in Advertising Research, Vol. 2., Shintaro Okazaki, ed. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 473-490.
Refereed Conference Articles
Rigopoulos, Konstantinos, Pernille Rydén, Konstantinos G. Kottikas, Efthymia Kottika, and Ioannis G. Theodorakis, (2022) “Through the storm: Mapping Customer – Management Expectations, Interactions, and Interpretations of a social media storm in tourism,” Proceedings of the Annual European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 24-27.
Kottika, Efthymia, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, Ayşegül Özsomer, Marek Vinš, Miroslav Karliček, and Konstantinos G. Kottikas (2020) “Industry complexity, transiliency and the human factor in the era of COVID-19: The case of the supply chains in the automotive sector,” paper presented online at the 7th International GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 11-21.
Kottikas, Konstantinos G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Grigorios Painesis, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, and Efthymia Kottika (2020), "Reacting to market conditions, or shaping them instead? Analyzing the fundamental outcomes of market-driving strategy," paper presented at the 11th EMAC Regional Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, September 16-19.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., and Grigorios Painesis (2020), “Unraveling Sex Advertisements’ Effects by Considering Consumers’ Psychological Distance Level, Construal Level, and Gender,” paper presented at the 49th European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 26-29.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., and Grigorios Painesis (2020), “Ad eroticism from a distance: scuba diving into male and female buyers’ reactions whilst seeking for moral cues in their lives,” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Coral Gables, Florida, May 20-22.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., and Grigorios Painesis (2020), “Sex appeal ads’ ethical, attitudinal, and behavioral impact across varied psychological distance and construal levels: the role of gender and moral attentiveness,” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (AAA), San Diego, California, March 26-29.
Kottikas Konstantinos G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis and Efthymia Kottika (2018), "Building Market-Driving Strategy through Organizational Structure", paper presented at the 9th EMAC Regional Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September 12-14.
Kottika Efthymia, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Kostas Kaminakis, Konstantinos G. Kottikas and Ioannis G. Theodorakis (2018), "Traits and Skills of Small Entrepreneurs and their Impact on Market Orientation", paper presented at the 9th EMAC Regional Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September 12-14.
Kottikas Konstantinos G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis and Efthymia Kottika (2017), "Exploring the role of middle - level employees in establishing a market – driving strategy", paper presented at the 8th EMAC Regional Conference, Timisoara, Romania, September 20-22.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, and Androniki Katarachia (2017), "A focus on rh-erotic rhetoric: Assessing rhetoric’s performance in erotic ad frames based upon viewers’ need to cognitively structure," paper presented at the 1st International Symposium of Marketing (as) Rhetoric, Bournemouth, UK, June 14.
Kottikas Konstantinos G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis and Efthymia Kottika (2017), "Mapping the prominent capabilities of market driving firms", paper presented at the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 21-24.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., Christos D. Koritos, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Konstantinos G. Kottikas and Efthymia Kottika (2017), “When figures of speech and provocation went international: Scuba diving into consumers’ reactions towards the use of figures of speech in international provocative ad appeal settings,” paper presented at the Global Marketing SIG Conference, Havana, Cuba, April 6-8.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Androniki Katarachia, Efthymia Kottika and Konstantinos Kottikas (2016), “A visit to the land of metaphorical sex ads: reactions to different types of metaphorical sex ads based upon consumers’ sex guilt level,” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the French Marketing Association (AFM), Lyon, France, May 18-20.
Kottikas, Konstantinos, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, and Efthymia Kottika (2015), “Delving into Market-Driving Behavior: A conceptual roadmap to delineating its key Antecedents and Outcomes,” paper presented at the International Conference on Marketing and Management Sciences (ICMMS), Istanbul, Turkey, July 29-30.
Kottika Efthymia, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, and Konstantinos Kottikas (2015), “Let us just work and look up to the future: A Study on the Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Personality Traits on SMEs’ Innovativeness in Times of Economic Turbulence,” paper presented at the 22nd Innovation & Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 14-16.
Kottika Efthymia, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, Kostas Kaminakis and Konstantinos Kottikas (2014), “Small Entrepreneur's Personality Traits, Market Orientation and Economic Turbulence: An Intriguing Story Unveiled,” paper presented at the International Conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference: Business and Government Perspectives,” St. Petersburg, Russia, October 16-17
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Androniki Katarachia, and Efthymia Kottika (2014), “Metaphor meeting sex meeting guilt: Instances of metaphor in sex appeal ads and their impact on high and low sex guilt consumers’ reactions,” Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 3-6.
Kottika Efthymia, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, and Konstantinos Kottikas (2014), “Exploring the impact of entrepreneur’s personality characteristics on market orientation’s components in SMEs,” Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference (poster session), Valencia, Spain, June 3-6.
Stathakopoulos Vlasis, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, Androniki Katarachia, Efthymia Kottika, and Konstantinos Kottikas (2014), “The morality of metaphorically wrapped erotic ad packages: Scuba diving into consumers’ cognitive and ethical considerations dependent upon their need to simplify,” Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 3-6.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G., Vlasis Stathakopoulos, and Androniki Katarachia (2014), “Structuring in the metaphorical erotic ad arena: investigating responses to metaphorical erotic ads dependent upon consumers’ personal need for structure,” Annual Conference of the American Academy of Advertising (AAA), Atlanta, Georgia, March 27-30.
Kottika Efthymia, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, and Ioannis G. Theodorakis (2013), “Do entrepreneurs’ personality traits affect market orientation and marketing planning in small firms?,” Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 4-7.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G. (2012), “Why not bring cultural paradox to the fore? Studying the modern Greek culture through a Yin Yang lens,” Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Yin Yang: A New Perspective on Culture, Stockholm, Sweden, June 7-11.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G. and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2010), “As the ad marches bleeding rhetoric retreats: Consumers' emotions and attitudes towards simple and rhetorically .constructed violent ads,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising, Madrid, Spain, June 25-26.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G. and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2008), “Resonance in advertising: Assessing its effectiveness and exploring its limits,” Proceedings of the 37th European Marketing Academy Conference, Brighton, England, May 27-30.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G. and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2007), “Studying provocation appeal ad forms and evaluating personal values’ implications,” Proceedings of the 36th European Marketing Academy Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, May 22-25.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G. and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2007), “Visiting the provocation appeal ad ‘Terra’: An assessment of viewers’ emotional identity and attitudinal reactions toward analogous stimuli,” Proceedings of the 36th European Marketing Academy Conference (poster session), Reykjavík, Iceland, May 22-25.
Theodorakis, Ioannis G. and Vlasis Stathakopoulos (2006), “A case for advertising ethics: Subliminal sexual embeds and their effects on young viewers’ ethical judgments and attitudes towards various ad effectiveness measures,” Proceedings of the 35th European Marketing Academy Conference, Athens, Greece, May 23-26.
Awards / Distinctions
Awarded scholarship by the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Program entitled: Action 2 - Support for postdoctoral researchers – academic year 2012-2013 (duration: 1.5 years).
Nominated for best student paper award - 9th International Conference on Research in Advertising (2010), Madrid, Spain, June 25-26.
Awarded scholarship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ) (Pan-Hellenic examination – academic year 2006-2007, scholarship duration: 3.5 years).
Awarded scholarship by Diageo Hellas S.A. (academic year 2004-2005).
M.Sc. obtained with honors (general grade: 7.67 in a scale of 10).
Work Experience
September 2021 - Today
September 2014 - August 2021
August 2020 - Today
December 2012 - July 2014
October 2012 - July 2014
January 2008 - Today
January 2012 - December 2012
June 2011 - February 2012
January 2007 - March 2011
March 2006 - December 2007
Paris School of Business (PSB)
Associate Professor in Marketing – Researcher
Teaching Courses:
Brands and branding
Business Communications
Digital Business
Market Study
Marketing Research
Marketing Management: Integrated Communication
Assistant Professor in Marketing - Researcher
Teaching Courses:
Intercultural Marketing and Consumer Psychology
Consumer Behavior
Sensory Marketing
Research Methodology
Brand Management
Introduction to Marketing
Marketing Mix
Debate Preparation and Performance
Additional academic and administrative tasks:
In charge of the International Business Management major
Master Theses supervision
Participation in school representation committees
Interviews with new applicants
Institute promotion through video presentations
Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Visiting Affiliated Professor
Teaching courses:
Strategic Marketing
Athens University of Economics and Business
Postdoctoral researcher
Research project: A study on the effects of metaphorical erotic advertisements for consumer products and social services
Business College of Athens (BCA) (in collaboration with London Metropolitan University)
Instructor of Marketing
Teaching Courses:
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Eirkti independent music label (specializing in vinyl-only editions / portfolio of over twenty releases most of which have been sold out)
Main responsibilities:
Music artist scouting, sound and artwork material management
Communication with suppliers and outsourced partners
Promotion and newsletter formulation
Distribution to national/international vinyl record outlets
Stockholm University School of Business
Research Assistant
Cross-cultural research project: Yin Yang – A new perspective on culture
Athens University of Economics and Business
Research Fellow
Research project: Case study development for educational purposes on business initiatives for social entrepreneurship
Team Management Consultants S.A.
Εditorial material of monthly business magazine
Diastasi Training & Consulting Services S.A.
Instructor in professional education programs
Teaching courses:
Principles of Business Administration
Basic Principles of Communication
Communication Techniques
Modern Marketing Techniques
Business Planning
Visiting Lectures, Speeches, and Research Presentations
April 2019 -
May 2018 -
June 2018
March 2018
April 2014
March 2014
November 2013 - December 2013
French Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE)
Research presentations of a variety of published scientific investigations
Link: fnege-medias.fr/?sfid=832&_sfm_author_names=THEODORAKIS%20Ioannis
Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP)
Marketing Department
Visiting Professor
Sensory Marketing (duration of 40 hours)
Advanced topics in consumer psychology (duration of 40 hours)
University of Greenwich
Business School
Lecture titled: “Lecture on Exploring rhetorical twists in integrated marketing communications”
University of Virginia
McIntire School of Commerce
Invited by Dr. David Glen Mick
Speech titled: “Rhetoric’s Journey In the Land of Ad Controversy: Investigating Consumers’ Reactions Toward Plain and Rhetorically Structured Controversial Ads”
Athens University of Economics and Business
Speech titled: “The ethicalness of metaphorically structures erotic advertisements: A study on consumers’ cognitive and ethical reactions dependent upon their need to simplify”
Athens University of Economics and Business
Department of Marketing and Communication
Lecture titled: “Eirkti: Presenting the Case study of an independent record label”
Athens University of Economics and Business
Department of Marketing and Communication
Lectures on special advertising communication topics:
Visual literacy and visual design principles
Use of rhetoric and rhetorical figures
Personal Skills and Competences
Greek : Mother tongue
English : CBT TOEFL exam 290/300 - May 2005
Certificate of Proficiency in English - June 1994
Spanish : Diploma Básico de Español, Mayo 2000
French : Basic communication level
Social Skills And Competences
Team spirit, adaptability, excellent communication skills
Additional Information
Ad hoc reviewer for the following journals:
Current Psychology
Developmental Psychology
European Journal of Marketing
European Review of Applied Psychology
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Consumer Behavior
Journal of Marketing Management
American Academy of Advertising
European Academy of Advertising
French Marketing Association
Personal Interests:
I love literature and philosophy. I am a music listener and a vinyl collector. I also enjoy traveling and communicating with people from different cultures. I love sports and I am a marathon runner
Additional Information:
Complete mandatory military service